🕹️அரசு உதவி வழக்கறிஞர் பணிக்கு
🕹️ சட்டபடிப்பு படித்த வழக்கறிஞர்கள் விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம்
🕹️ TNPSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Recruitment 2024
Assistant Public Prosecutor, Grade-II
Applications are invited only through online mode for direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Public
Prosecutor, Grade-II in Prosecution Department.
- Important Instructions:
1.1. Candidates to ensure their eligibility for the examination:
All candidates are requested to carefully read the “Instructions to Applicants” available in the Commission’s
website www.tnpsc.gov.in and this Notification. The candidates applying for the examination should ensure
that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission to all stages of the
examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the eligibility conditions. Mere admission
to the preliminary examination, main written examination, certificate verification, interview or inclusion of
name in the selection list will not confer on the candidates any right to appointment. The Commission
reserves the right to reject candidature at any stage, after due process even after selection has been
made, if a wrong claim or violation of rules or instructions is confirmed.
1.2. Important Dates and Time:
Date of Notification 13.09.2024
Last date and time for submission of online application 12.10.2024 11.59 P.M
Application correction window period 16.10.2024 12.01 A.M to
18.10.2024 11.59 P.M
Date and Time of Examination
Type of Examination Date Time
Preliminary Examination 14.12.2024 02.30 P.M to 05.30 P.M
Main Written Examination Will be announced at the time of the declaration of the results of
the preliminary examination.
1.3. How to Apply:
1.3.1. One Time Registration and Online Application:
Candidates are required to apply online by using the Commission’s website www.tnpsc.gov.in or
www.tnpscexams.in. The candidate needs to register himself / herself first at the One Time Registration
(OTR) platform available on the Commission’s website and then proceed to fill the online application for
the examination. If the candidate is already registered, he / she can proceed straightway to fill the online
application for the examination.
1.3.2. Application Correction Window:
After the last date for submission of online application, the Application Correction Window will open for
three days from 16.10.2024 to 18.10.2024. During this period, candidates will be able to edit the details in
their online application. After the last date of the Application Correction Window period, no modification
will be allowed in the online application.
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1.3.3. The detailed instructions regarding how to apply and the examination centres are available in
Annexure I of this Notification.
1.4. Banned Items:
1.4.1. Candidates are not allowed to bring mobile phone, pager or any electronic equipment or
programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches, watches with in-built memory notes,
rings with in-built memory notes etc., or camera or Bluetooth devices or communication chips or any other
equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a
communication device into the examination hall / room. Candidates are not allowed to bring non-electronic
devices such as P&G Design Data Book, mathematical and drawing instruments, log tables, stencils of
maps, slide rules, books, notes, loose sheets, guides, rough sheets, hand bags into the examination
1.4.2. If they are found to have any such things or instruments, they will not be allowed to write the
examination, besides invalidation of the answer sheet and/or debarment and/or rejection of candidature.
If it is considered necessary, they will be subjected to a thorough physical search including frisking on the
1.4.3. Candidates are advised, in their own interest, not to bring any of the banned items including mobile
phones to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safekeeping of the same cannot be assured.